Find out more about the OVERDUE project by browsing our blogs, publications, campaigns, and more.
Read reflections from the OVERDUE team and allies and learn about our work in the 7 cities, events, knowledge exchanges and more.

Dive into our campaigns for World Toilet Day, add your voice to foster #JustSanitation4AfricanCities, and more

Do you want to get a 360-degree perspective on sanitation? Have a look at our co-learning space, the glossary and repository of resources.

The OVERDUE team has been designing and implementing strategic interventions to advance just sanitation across the 7 cities.

Read our journal articles, briefs and book chapters.

OVERDUE is in the News! Stay up to date with local and regional newspapers, TV channels and online press coverage.

Do you want to cover OVERDUE in your media? Explore our audio clips, videos and photos and get in contact with our Team.

OVERDUE is developing a series of tools in French and English.