The OVERDUE team has been designing and implementing strategic interventions to advance just sanitation across the 7 cities.
An Activist’s Glossary for Just Sanitation
The OVERDUE team and co-learning participants produced a political glossary to capture the diversity of terms used in sanitation. Explore it in English, Portuguese, French and Swahili!
From over 1 million residents, 0.3% are served by a 4 km long sewerage network. The rest use on-site facilities, 75% of these are unimproved pit latrines.
Beira – Mozambique
Over 500,000 residents, of which 90% are off-grid, and 10% connected to a 97 km sewerage network. Numerous on-site latrines and tanks were damaged by Cyclone Idai in 2019.
Mwanza – Tanzania
More than 1 million residents, with 23% connected to a sewer network. In informal settlements, a 5.4 km simplified sewerage system coexists with pit latrines and septic tanks.
Valorising gendered sanitation practices and infrastructures in conditions of land and tenure insecurity
Valoriser les pratiques et les infrastructures d’assainissement liées au genre dans des conditions de rareté des terres et d’insécurité foncière
Providing gender-sensitive public toilets in the markets of Bukavu, DRC ·
Fournir des toilettes publiques sensibles au genre dans les marchés de Bukavu, RDCC
Making visible women’s (unpaid) work in the sanitation sector in Saint-Louis
Rendre visible le travail (non rémunéré) des femmes dans le secteur de l’assainissement à Saint-Louis
Networking actors to develop a circular sanitation economy
Mise en réseau des acteurs pour développer une économie circulaire de l’assainissement