September 26 2023
Feminising Urban Struggles
O LabCidade – FAUUSP e um conjunto de instituições de ensino e pesquisa do Brasil, África do Sul, Tanzânia e Países Baixos organizam o Seminário Internacional Virtual Lutas Urbanas Feministas: corpo, território e políticas de produção de espaços periféricos.
Adriana Allen apresentou o projeto OVERDUE Just Sanitation e o nosso trabalho sobre as pessoas, as práticas e as coisas que são a base para a realização de um saneamento justo.
👀 Veja a sua apresentação aqui https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPUAZ4y44XA

September 26 2023
OVERDUE at the UN SDG Summit in New York
OVERDUE participated in the United Nations SDG Summit in New York 19-20 September 2023, which resulted in a Political Declaration that reaffirms the 2030 Agenda, while recognising that the SDGs are in peril. The Declaration commits Member States to “bold, ambitious, accelerated, just and transformative actions, anchored in international solidarity and effective cooperation.”
Together with Habitat International Coalition (HIC), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and the Huairou Commission, OVERDUE and its #JustSanitation4AfricanCities campaign was represented in two fora:
(1) The SDG Action Weekend convened by the UN Secretary General to maximise the impact of the SDG Summit and offer a space for Local and Regional Governments and organised civil society to be heard,
(2) the Global People’s Assembly (GPA) convened by Global Call to Action Against Poverty and co-organized by over 50 civil society groups, as a platform to raise the voice of the people, while government leaders met at the UN Headquarters in New York.
Read the full report on HIC’s website
Endorse our campaign #JustSanitation4AfricanCities

June 19 2023
OVERDUE Knowledge Exchange in Antananarivo
Discover the Strategic intervention implemented by SiMIRALENTA/Genre en Action with their partner the Société Municipale d’Assainissement here (in French)

June 10 2023
OVERDUE Co-Learning Space
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new co-learning space! We will approach a series of key stops along the sanitation service chain by exploring everything from pipes to people as infrastructure from investments and policies to collective action, from sanitation facilities to health and environmental outcomes, from bylaws to social norms. In a nutshell, everything that matters to make urban sanitation a means to build a caring and gender equitable city.
To learn more about the OVERDUE co-learning space, visit this page (page in English, French, Portuguese and Swahili)

May 28 2023
Catarina Mavila Magaia joins the TNUSSP #Women In Sanitation Campaign
For Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023, Catarina Mavila Magaia, Social anthropologist @Austral draws on her research work supported by @OVERDUE to question the normalization of menstrual pain in Mozambique.
The silencing of menstrual pain is rooted in the taboos surrounding fertility control, stereotypes promoting secrecy around menstruation, and the persistence of gender inequalities marginalizing women’s suffering.
@Catarina’s video will live online as part of TNUSSP’s long term Women in Sanitation Campaign https://tnussp.co.in/women-in-sanitation/ @OVERDUE we are proud to contribute to it!

April 26 2023
Knowledge Exchange in Mwanza & ESD Learning Alliance
OVERDUE members from Bukavu, Beira, Freetown and the UK joined ESD students in Mwanza to visit the innovative interventions led by CCI and the Federation for the Urban Poor Tanzania aimed at improving sanitation. These inluded the implementation of simplified sewage systems, the construction of individual toilet structure financed through the innovative Mwanza Sanitation Forum and Fund, and the promotion of hygiene education via the Community Health Workers.

April 3 2023
Tim Ndezi joins TNUSSP’s #Women In Sanitation Campaign
Tim Ndezi, Founding Director of the Centre for Community Initiatives (CCI), Tanzania and member of the OVERDUE Mwanza team has been supporting women in the sanitation sector for years. A strong ally for #womenempowerment in the #sanitation sector, Tim speaks about what it would take to make everyone realise the contributions women make to the sector.

March 14 2023
Jamiatu Sesay joins TNUSSP’s #Women In Sanitation Campaign
From the OVERDUE team in Freetown, Jamiatu Sesay of the Federation of Urban and Rural Poor (FEDURP) presents the unique sanitation context of her city and questions the unfair burdens that fall on women. She points out the stigma that surrounds menstrual health management in her community and the default role of women as managers of household sanitary waste, discussing the sensitisation work she carries out to change these norms in her community and beyond.

February 17 2023
Knowledge Exchange in Abidjan and FSM 7 Conference
Festo Dominic Makoba @Centre for Community Initiatives (Tanzania), Mina Rakotoarindrasata @SiMiralenta/Genre en Action (Madagascar) and Angèle Koué @GEPALEF (Ivory Coast) represented the OVERDUE team at the 21st International Congress of the African Water Association and the 7th International Conference on Faecal Sludge Management, held in Abidjan from February 19 to 23, 2023.
They were joined by members of the Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Program, who shared experience with GEPALEF on the construction of Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant and joined meetings with the association of local authorities and the institute of circularity.
Read Mina’s reflections (in French): Pour un assainissement juste et inclusif: Apports d’un séjour à Abidjan

February 10 2023
Knowledge Exchange in Tamil Nadu with TNUSSP
Hosted by the Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme (TNUSSP) led by the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), OVERDUE partners from seven African cities were exposed to gendered inclusive social mechanisms and technological options along the full sanitation chain supporting livelihoods and occupational health for sanitation workers. Find out more in the blog posts produced by the OVERDUE team:

November 17 2022
#WorldToiletDay2022 is all about making the invisible VISIBLE. While many sanitation issues exist underground, especially in the adverse effects that poor sanitation infrastructure has on our groundwater, the OVERDUE team wants to make visible those above ground.
Tackling the sanitation taboo across Urban Africa has been at the core of our work, this year we are sharing some of our findings, activities and interventions for just sanitation. Over the next days we will #maketheinvisiblevisible by sharing about taboos, women’s care burden, public health, social norms, gender biases, discrimination and many more.

October 14 2022
Block your calendars! The Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support program and OVERDUE are organizing a Side Event at the UNC 2022 Water and Health Conference:
Monday, October 24th | 8:30 AM (EDT) Windflower Room
In-Person and Live-Streamed
Click here for details on streaming
Register here for free to attend virtually

September 20 2022
The invisible burden of care work: women as producers of sanitation infrastructures
Blog post by Namita Kyathsandra Narasimha written as part of the Learning Alliance between the OVERDUE project and the DPU’s MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development.

September 19 2022
Weaving Gender and Just Sanitation: First assessment!
OVERDUE partners OGDS (Senegal), CFCEM/Genre en Action (DRC), SiMIRALENTA / Genre en Action (Madagascar) and GEPALEF (Ivory Coast) and The Bartlett Development Planning Unit just concluded a series of Knowledge Exchange activities. Want to know more? 👉 English version
Tisser la justice du genre et de l’assainissement: Premier bilan!
Les partenaires d’OVERDUE OGDS (Sénégal), CFCEM/GA (RDC), SiMIRALENTA/GeA (Madagascar) et GEPALEF (Côte d’Ivoire) viennent de conclure le activités d’Echanges de Savoirs.
Vous souhaitez en savoir plus? 👉 Version française

July 07 2022
The making and unmaking of sanitation taboos across urban Africa
OVERDUE was delighted to host a panel at the annual conference of the Development Studies Association.
Catch up on the session inputs produced by three of our researchers:
👉 Angèle Koué (GEPALEF) – Body & toilet related taboos: The case of Abidjan, Ivory Coast
👉 Catarina Mavila (Austral) – Menstruation taboos in Mozambique
👉 Sheila Salum (Ardhi University)- Making sense of official rules and social norms regulating sanitation in Mwanza, Tanzania

July 01 2022
Advocating for just sanitation across urban Africa
We are pleased to share the outputs from the first year of the Learning Alliance between the OVERDUE project and the DPU’s MSc programme in Environment and Sustainable Development (MSc ESD).
Students and partners from the seven cities in which OVERDUE is working, have adopted comparative and feminist political ecology perspectives to advance socio-environmental justice across urban Africa. Have a look at their advocacy videos on four key overlooked links to advance just sanitation:
1. Land and housing tenure security, with a particular focus on tenants’ rights
2. Sanitation workers, especially reframing unpaid domestic duties as work
3. public and shared toilet facilities, with a focus on access and maintenance of toilets in market areas
👉Shifting Sanitation Realities
4. Closing the loop practices, aiming to upscale and network innovative energy and agricultural practices

June 07 2022
Weaving Gender and Sanitation Justice: exchanges across francophone Africa
This project facilitates knowledge exchanges with local communities, institutions and utilities in Saint-Louis, Antananarivo, Abidjan and Bukavu. It enables OVERDUE partners from francophone Africa – GEPALEF, SiMIRALENTA, CFCEM/GA and OGDS – to deepen reflections and understandings of gendered sanitation experiences and practices as well as to consolidate training & capacity building material.
“Tisser le genre et la justice sanitaire: échanges à travers l’Afrique francophone“
Le projet, mené par les partenaires OVERDUE d’Afrique francophone – GEPALEF, SiMIRALENTA, CFCEM/GA et OGDS – vise à approfondir les réflexions et la compréhension des expériences et des pratiques d’assainissement liées au genre à Saint-Louis, Antananarivo, Abidjan et Bukavu, et à consolider du matériel de formation.

May 16 2022
OVERDUE Retreat in London
In May, all partners of the OVERDUE team got together in London and via zoom for a day of sharing research results and planning for the final year of the project. Activities included discussions of key findings from each of the cities, plotting our diagnoses on a collective Web of Institutionalisation, planning capacity-building activities as well as strategising around advocacy campaigns to Flip the Script towards just sanitation.

March 19 2022
Gender & Sanitation taboos at the 66th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66)
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. This Saturday 19 March 2022, Jeannine Ramarokoto and Mina Rakotoarindrasata from SiMIRALENTA, Genre en Action Madagascar & the OVERDUE team will contribute to a session “Transparency on taboos” (in French)
👉Rejoignez le webinaire (lien Zoom, accès gratuit) 📅 Samedi 19 mars 2022 ⏲ 10h-13h

Women in Sanitation: Experiences from Beira, Kinshasa, Dar Es Salaam and Saint Louis now online!
The OVERDUE team “Tackling the sanitation taboo across urban Africa” is delighted to join the Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Program (TNUSSP) this year to add voices of women working in sanitation in Beira (Mozambique), Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), Kinshasa (DRC), and Saint Louis (Senegal).
👉 Watch the short videos here
👉 Follow the campaign here

March 08 2022
“Biases and Barriers for Women Professionals in the WASH sector”
Online conversation organized by the Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Program (TNUSSP) as part of the “Women in Sanitation” Campaign. Marcia Saica from Associação FACE de Água e Saneamento, Moçambique, member of the OVERDUE Beira team joined to share her experience and perspective. 👉 Follow the campaign here

December 01 2021
Sanitation Workers Forum
Online Sanitation Workers Forum organized from the 29th Nov 2021 to the 2nd December 2022. The OVERDUE team contributed to the sessions on “Marginalisation & Representation of Sanitation Workers” and “Gender, Intersectionality & Sanitation Work”.
👉 Pre-recorded presentations from OVERDUE team members Festo D Makoba (CCI), Ndéye Penda Diouf (OGDS), Angèle Koué (GEPALEF), Jeannine Ramarokoto (SiMIRALENTA) and Mina Rakotoarindrasata (Genre en Action Madagascar) are online here !
👉 The recordings of ALL the sessions are NOW online 🌟 here 🌟
World Toilet Day 2021: “Who cares about toilets?”
We do! And got the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to safe drinking water and sanitation on record! 👉 Watch the recorded video series here
Why care about toilets? Because gendered taboos surrounding toilets & sanitation deeply impact women and girls!
Read about the work of 4 feminist organisations in Abidjan, Antananarivo, Bukavu and Saint Louis investigating access to toilets, domestic sanitation work, opportunities for women in the sanitation sector, and taboos surrounding these questions. 👉 Read more here!
Nouveau blog: Petit coin, gros tabous : impact du genre sur l’accès des femmes aux toilettes et à l’assainissement à Bukavu, Antananarivo, Saint Louis et Abidjan
4 organisations féministes ont interrogé les habitantes et habitants de Bukavu, Antananarivo, Saint Louis, et Abidjan sur l’accès aux toilettes, les opportunités d’emplois dans le secteur de l’assainissement, la répartition du travail domestique et les tabous entourant ces questions 👉 Découvrez le résultat ici
Webinar: Sanitation in urban Africa: toilets, seats of gender inequality?
Live webinar with simultaneous French/English interpretation featuring GEPALEF, OGDS, SiMIRALENTA, and CFCEM/GA and their research in Abidjan, Saint Louis Senegal, Antananarivo, and Bukavu on women and sanitation in African cities.
More information here
👉 Register to attend live session

September 13 2021
OVERDUE Annual workshop
The OVERDUE team virtually met for a first annual workshop to reflect on the achievements, adaptations, and challenges of working together from Sierra Leone, Mozambique, Tanzania, Senegal, Madagascar, Ivory Coast, DRC, the UK, Denmark and France. We held 10 sessions touching on a diversity of topics such as the historical trajectories of sanitation, shit flows and sanitation collectives, gendered taboos, and collective writing strategies.

June 01 2021
Reflections on Beira’s Sanitation radio debates
Between December 2020 and February 2021, several radio broadcasts and debates were aired in Beira by Mega-FM radio, bringing together representatives from the government, water supply and sanitation service providers, academia, civil society organizations and citizens. The Beira team is sharing their reflections on these events here!

May 30 2021
Voicing Just Sanitation in DRC, Senegal, Madagascar and Ivory Coast
SiMIRALENTA (Madagascar), OGDS (Senegal), GEPALEF (Ivory Coast), CFCEM/GA (DRC) joined OVERDUE to document women’s perspective on sanitation in African cities. Listen to the audios & films they recorded in Antananarivo, Abidjan, Saint Louis, and Bukavu on the Voicing Just Sanitation Page.
👉French version here // Version Française ici
OVERDUE hosting a dialogue on Decolonizing Urban Taboos through celebration at the RISE Africa conference
The session explored the potential of celebration and performance to catalyse public discussion and action around urban taboos in African cities.
👉 Full recorded session is online here

New article published! COVID-19: A turning point to further sanitation justice?
Sanitation has received increased attention during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the heterogeneity of infrastructures, investments, practices and needs that exist on the ground, has often been overlooked. The OVERDUE team wrote a collective article in the IPED journal suggesting it is possible to move beyond ‘deficit narratives’ and to support pathways towards just sanitation for all women and men, girls and boys during and beyond the pandemic. 👉 Open Access article online here

December 29 2020
Radio debates & call for photographs on sanitation in Beira Mozambique
A series of radio debates and a call for photos are organized in Beira to bring the women, men, girls and boys who make and maintain sanitation to the forefront. Check out the Beira Just Sanitation Festival Page to know more about dates and modalities.

Celebrating sanitation to foster discussions in Mabatini Mwanza
Representatives from the key sectors involved in sanitation issues were invited to a celebration in Mabatini and given an opportunity to present their view/ideas and proposals on how to address existing challenges. Graphics-with text- posters, poems, traditional dance & drumming ngoma were used to stimulate discussions, taking into account geographical specificities of the area, looming household poverty and limited public capacities. 👉 Read more!

December 01 2020
Voicing Just Sanitation
We are collecting and broadcasting short audios to reframe public conversations and actions around sanitation. 👉 Listen to the first contributions and share your perspective here!

Sanitation Festival in Freetown
The Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre (SLURC) organized a sanitation tour on the theme: ‘Just Sanitation Across African Cities in Freetown’ to celebrate World Toilet Day. This Festival was a way to celebrate sanitation actors and their vital role, while achieving the objectives of supporting actors and institutions who keep communities healthy and documenting the practices around sanitation. 👉 Read more!