Position papers and policy briefs

COVID-19: A turning point to further sanitation justice?

Fora da rede, dentro das injustiças

Environment and Sustainable Development MSc students, as part of the learning alliance with the action-research project OVERDUE, published four policy briefs Keep the pot cooking: Community-led revolving funds and the key ingredients for just sanitation (Swahili)

Environment and Sustainable Development MSc students, as part of the learning alliance with the action-research project OVERDUE, published four policy briefs Keep the pot cooking: Community-led revolving funds and the key ingredients for just sanitation (English)

Environment and Sustainable Development MSc students, as part of the learning alliance with the action-research project OVERDUE, published four policy briefs Caring for the Carers: Gender Responsive Sanitation Policy and Action (English)

Environment and Sustainable Development MSc students, as part of the learning alliance with the action-research project OVERDUE, published four policy briefs Caring for the Carers: Gender Responsive Sanitation Policy and Action (Swahili)

Environment and Sustainable Development MSc students, as part of the learning alliance with the action-research project OVERDUE, published four policy briefs Closing the Loop: Capturing the value of sustainable sanitation to benefit urban agriculture (English)

Environment and Sustainable Development MSc students, as part of the learning alliance with the action-research project OVERDUE, published four policy briefs Closing the Loop: Capturing the value of sustainable sanitation to benefit urban agriculture (Swahili)

ESD Policy Brief – Strategies for equitable access to urban sanitation: Bridging grid and off grid technologies (English)

ESD Policy Brief – Strategies for equitable access to urban sanitation: Bridging grid and off grid technologies (Swahili)

Journal and conference papers

Coming soon

Other publications

DPU (Post)Covid Lexicon : Sanitation

UCL Case Study: SDG 6

DPU News: Just Sanitation for African Cities